1. ホーム
  2. -
  3. 血の轍


A Trail of Blood, Blood on the Tracks, 피의 흔적, 血の轍, Chi no Wadachi


「このマンガがすごい!2018」【オトコ編】第9位、「フリースタイル誌 このマンガを読め!2018」3位、「映画秘宝 漫ぶらぁ~ of the year 2017」漫ぶらぁ~大賞など、今最も世間を騒がせる要注目作品! 「惡の華」「ぼくは麻理のなか」「ハピネス」「志乃ちゃんは自分の名前が言えない」・・・傑作を次々と送り出してきた鬼才・押見修造、渾身の最新作!!母・静子からたっぷりの愛情を注がれ、平穏な日常を送る中学二年生の長部静一。しかし、ある夏の日、その穏やかな家庭は激変する。母・静子によって。狂瀾の奈落へ! Seiichi Osabe is just a normal if not insular 14-year-old boy with a beautiful, loving mother and a hardworking father. The bond between him and his mother is iron-clad, but when an accident involving his cousin sows the seeds of doubt in his head, Seiichi begins to question whether his mother’s doting nature is normal, or something more sinister and abnormal. Where do you draw the line between motherly love and unhealthy adoration? And how can you tell where that line is when your mother’s love is all you’ve ever known?
