1. ホーム
  2. -
  3. 不倫食堂


Adultery Restaurant, Furin Shokudou


都内某企業に務める平凡なサラリーマン、山寺隆一35歳。 出張で全国を飛び回る営業マンである彼の唯一の道楽は「食べ歩き」。 旨い物はとことん喰らう。そして、旅先で出会った美しい人妻も……。 食欲か、はたまた色欲か。男の醍醐味、ここにあり! The manga centers on 35-year-old businessman Ryūichi Yamadera. Ryūichi travels around the country on business trips, and his sole pastime is trying different foods at local restaurants. He also ends up sleeping with the various married women he meets at the restaurants, while also being married himself.
