1. ホーム
  2. -
  3. 今宵、ロレンツィ家で甘美なる忠誠を


Sweet Allegiance to the Lorenzi Family Tonight, 今宵、ロレンツィ家で甘美なる忠誠を, Koyoi, Lorenzi-ke de Kanbi naru Chuusei wo

伝説の《黄金瞳》を持つ少女リタは人買いに捕まり闇市で競売にかけられてしまう。 過去のトラウマで声を失い絶望するリタを競り落としたのはマフィアのボス、アルバートだった。 「きみは僕の花嫁になってもらう」甘い囁きに従うリタだったが、彼が笑顔で人に銃を向ける冷酷な一面を知ってしまう! 危険なマフィアに迎えられたリタの運命は――!? Rita, a girl with the legendary “Golden Eyes,” was caught by a human trafficker and put up for auction in the black market. It was the mafia boss, Albert Lorenzi, who won the auction, taking home Rita who lost her voice and was in despair due to past trauma. Rita follows his sweet whisper, “You’ll be my bride,” but discovers the ruthless side of him who points a gun at people with a smile on his face! What kind of fate is awaiting Rita who’s greeted by a dangerous mafioso?!
